A portable library for reassembling complex formatted text from text fragments.
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCBR_INFOInformation for all bounding rectangles
oCBRECT_SPECSInformation for a single bounding rectangle. Coordinates here are INTERNAL, after offset/rotate using values in TR_INFO
oCCHILD_SPECSList of all members of a single complex
oCCX_INFOInformation for all complexes
oCCX_SPECSInformation for a single complex
oCFNT_SPECSInformation for a font instance
oCFT_INFOInformation for all font instances
oCRT_PADInformation for one padding record. (Padding is added to bounding rectangles before overlap tests.)
oCTCHUNK_SPECSInformation for a single text object
oCTP_INFOInformation for all text objects. Coordinates here are INTERNAL, after offset/rotate using values in TR_INFO
\CTR_INFOInformation for the entire text reassembly system